Super reduce
functions with reduce.
Enum is a fantastic module. It offers you tools for almost any possible situation involving enumerating a collection.
But instead of just standing upon the shoulders of giants, it’s good to know how things work under the hood.
Let’s implement some of Enum ourselves using plain old Elixir without the help of any module.
Let’s create a function that allows us to double each value of a list:
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def double([head|tail]), do: [head * 2 | double(tail)]
def double([]), do: []
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.double([1,2,3])
[2, 4, 6]
Cool right.
Now let’s do one to triple each value of a list:
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def triple([head|tail]), do: [head * 3 | triple(tail)]
def triple([]), do: []
iex(2)> HumbleEnum.triple([1,2,3])
[3, 6, 9]
Best lines of code, ever ever seen. π
Now let’s do a function to check if each value of a list is even:
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def even([head|tail]), do: [(rem(head, 2) == 0) | even(tail)]
def even([]), do: []
iex(3)> HumbleEnum.even([1,2,3])
[3, 6, 9]
Hmmm, similar, right? We are enumerating all elements of a list and doing some calculations on them. Let’s write map with this in mind.
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def map([head|tail], fun), do: [fun.(head) | map(tail, fun)]
def map([], _fun), do: []
Well, let’s do the same that the previous specialized functions did, but using our humble map.
list = [1, 2, 3], fn n -> n * 2 end)
[2, 4, 6], fn n -> n * 3 end)
[3, 6, 9], fn n -> div(n, 2) == 0 end)
[true, false, false]
And it is working. π₯³
Now let’s count. This one is pretty simple. We just need to enumerate all elements of the list, summing 1 for each of the elements.
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def count([]), do: 0
def count([_ | tail]), do: 1 + count(tail)
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.count([1, 2, 3])
Let’s switch orders just for fun. We could do it using ++
defmodule HumbleEnum do
defp reverse([head | tail]), do: reverse(tail) ++ [head]
defp reverse([]), do: []
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.reverse([1, 2, 3])
[3, 2, 1]
But that is a bit inefficient. We need to always transverse the first list to concat to the second list.
Let’s introduce an accumulator to help us out.
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def reverse(l), do: do_reverse(l, [])
defp do_reverse([head | tail], reversed), do: do_reverse(tail, [head | reversed])
defp do_reverse([], reversed), do: reversed
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.reverse([1, 2, 3])
[3, 2, 1]
Working like a charm π
And now for the mighty powerful reduce.
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def reduce([head | tail], acc, f), do: reduce(tail, f.(head, acc), f)
def reduce([], acc, _), do: acc
It receives the list, the initial state, and a function in the following format:
fn element, acc -> ... do your magic end
Now let’s see it in action to sum all the elements of a list, similar to what Enum.sum does:
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.reduce([1, 2, 3], 0, fn n, acc -> n + acc end)
reduce is so powerful that we can build all functions of Enum using it.
map implemented with reduce
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def reduce([head | tail], acc, f), do: reduce(tail, f.(head, acc), f)
def reduce([], acc, _), do: acc
def map(list, fun) do
list |> reduce([], fn elem, mapped -> [fun.(elem) | mapped] end)
iex(1)>[1, 2, 3], & &1)
[3, 2, 1]
It almost works, but the order is not correct…
Let’s fix it π€
We need to reverse the order of the resulting list, so we need reverse, but built with reduce.
reverse implemented with reduce
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def reduce([head | tail], acc, f), do: reduce(tail, f.(head, acc), f)
def reduce([], acc, _), do: acc
def reverse(list) do
list |> reduce([], fn elem, reversed -> [elem | reversed] end)
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.reverse([1, 2, 3])
[3, 2, 1]
Now let’s fix map.
map implemented with reduce v2
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def map(list, fun) do
|> reduce([], fn elem, mapped -> [fun.(elem) | mapped] end)
|> reverse()
iex(1)>[1, 2, 3], & &1)
[1, 2, 3]
Pretty cool, right?
Sad that we have to go over the same list twice, first to enumerate with the function and then reverse.
We will come back to this later. π€
count implemented with reduce
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def count(list) do
list |> reduce(0, fn _, total -> total + 1 end)
iex(1)> HumbleEnum.count([1, 2, 3])
Cool, we have all the functions we built previously implemented with reduce.
reduce can have an order
In Exercism, the mentor pointed out that reversing the result is fine, but reduce can have an order. π
We are doing the left to right version:
reduce([1,2,3], acc, f) = f(3, f(2, f(1, acc)))
But we could also do the right to left version:
reduce_right([1,2,3], acc, f) = f(1, f(2, f(3, acc)))
Mindblown, right? Let’s build a reduce_right and change our map.
map reduce version v3
defmodule HumbleEnum do
def reduce_right([head | tail], acc, f), do: f.(head, reduce_right(tail, acc, f))
def reduce_right([], acc, _), do: acc
def map(list, fun) do
list |> reduce_right([], fn elem, mapped -> [fun.(elem) | mapped] end)
iex(1)>[1, 2, 3], & &1)
[1, 2, 3]
Elixir and functional programming rock, right?
reduce has superpowers, so better start using it and be a hero πͺ